
O.P.D. Treatments:
This means taking treatment without getting admitted in the center. Those patients who have their residence near the center or are going to stay at their relatives place or lodge near the center and are willing to come to the center daily for just having their treatments are free to do so. They are expected to abide by the schedules prescribed by the center. Such patients should clearly mention this in the admission form.
I.P.D. Treatments:

Those who are suffering of any debilitating disorder or a major disease, and/ or those who have no other arrangement for stay should get admitted at the center.

Advance Booking:

Those patients who want to get admitted in the center for the treatment should do advance booking. Admission form should be duly filled and submitted along with the application fee of Rs. 50/-. Please mention the time period during which you want to undergo panch-karma treatment. Mention whether or not you are willing to get admitted for treatment. Also mention regarding the facility of food by the center. It is mandatory for all patients to deposit 50% of the estimated cost of his/her treatment in cash before one week of the date fixed for the commencement of his/ her treatment. Cheques will not be accepted.

Even a healthy can undergo panch karma :

Even healthy and disease free individuals can undertake panch karma treatment. In such treatments the main aim is to enhance the immunity of the person and to protect him from any future diseases. After careful examination of such individuals their respective constitution (i.e. vata, pitta or kapha) is ascertained and then as per their constitution panch karma schedule is formed and executed. This in ayurveda terminology is protection of the health of a healthy.

What you should bring?

  1. Males are advised to bring kurta pyjamas and females, a pair of gowns.
  2. Adequate towels and napkins.
  3. Extra clothing as per the climate/ season.
  4. Books for reading and radio for entertainment.
  5. Mobile phone for personal use.
  6. Allopathic medicines, the patient is already taking.
  7. All the medical reports and the prescriptions.
  8. Valid photo identity and the address proof.
  9. Dont bring any valuables.
Indoor patients daily regime:

(this routine will change as per the patients disease and the treatment course.)

  1. Patients daily routine will start at 6 am.
  2. The medicines (kashayam) to be given in the morning will be served.
  3. Approximately 30 minutes regime of exercise, walking, meditation, prayer etc will be conducted as per patients ailment.
  4. Breakfast will be served at about 8 am.
  5. 1 and half an hour after breakfast, procedures such as massage, steam, shodhan basti (enema) etc will be undertaken.
  6. This will be followed by bath and rest.
  7. Lunch will be served at about 12.30 pm.
  8. Rest.
  9. Evening procedures (treatments) will commence at about 4 pm.
  10. Followed by exercise or walk as per patients condition.
  11. Kashayas and other medicines will be given at 6 pm.
  12. Walk in fresh airy surroundings.
  13. Dinner at 8.30 pm.
  14. Meditation and prayer before sleeping.
  15. Peaceful sleep.


Instructions for the patients being admitted to the treatment center for panch-karma:

  1. Patient must report at the center on the given day and time.
  2. It is essential that a responsible relative must always be with the patient.
  3. Bring Tiffin for patients breakfast
  4. Patient should not eat anything (i.e. wafers, biscuits, snakes, wada-pav etc.) inbetween the meals.
  5. Patients who are not able to arrange their own Tiffin are extended the facility of Tiffin by the center, which will be charged over and above the centers expenses.
  6. Please do not indulge in any form of addiction such tobacco, smoking, drinking etc.
  7. Panch karma treatments are carried out in the mornings & evenings. Patients with the prior permission of the doctor can go for walks or for buying essentials from market.
  8. Panch marma therapists are well trained and experienced in their work, dont instruct them while treatments/ massages are being performed.
  9. Keep your valuables on your own risk.
  10. Radio can be played in low voice, dont watch television continuously.
  11. The attendants serve the kashayas, tablets etc as per their treatment schedule; patients are expected to consume them immediately as advised.
  12. Dont use fan after treatments such as massage, steam and parishek (bath with decoction)
  13. Patients must inform the doctor about any allopathic or homeopathic medicines he/she is taking and should take them on their own without depending upon the attendents for the same.
  14. The estimated cost of treatment in the quotation given to you may change, because treatment regimes may alter seeing the prognosis of the ongoing treatments.
  15. Treatment regime will not be started before deposit of the prescribed advance amount.
  16. Ask queries about the bills to the accountant; dont discuss them directly with the doctor.
  17. The bed sheets & and the blankets of the patients are washed and changed once in two days.
  18. Relatives of patients not having control over bowel & bladder must pay extra attention to the cleaning and cleanliness of cloth, bed sheets, blankets of such patients.
  19. As per the condition of the admitted patient, allopathic physician may be called for examining patient. The physicians fees will be charged separately and should be paid at the time of his consultation.
  20. Doctor would advice the patient about his food regime and the patient should abide by that diet. The relatives of patient will not get specially prepared food.
  21. The time for the patients prayer, meditation, yoga etc is fixed. All these are a part of his treatment.